Recognizing the achievements and innovation of SC Works professionals and services across the state.

SC Works Staff Success Stories
Are you an SC Works employee who had a successful encounter with a jobseeker or employer? Did you witness another employee have a great experience on the job?
Then share your story!
This form is for SC Works staff to submit success stories that occurred at SC Works Centers from the perspective of the professionals who work there.
SC Works Success Stories: Jobseekers and Employers
Were you a jobseeker who took advantage of the many services offered by SC Works? Are you an employer who has developed a beneficial relationship with SC Works?
Then share your story!
This form is for members of the public and employers to submit their firsthand accounts of any success stories involving SC Works Centers.
Are you an SC Works employee with a promising practice underway in your local area that you are proud of? Can it inspire other local areas and help improve partnerships?
Then share your promising practice!
This form is for staff to share promising practices, which are projects and initiatives that enhance the services offered by SC Works.
SC Works Success Stories