Workforce System Partners
The workforce is an intricate and complex system that, while seemingly overwhelming and confusing, is actually an ecosystem comprised of a sophisticated structure that drives our economy and touches the life of every citizen.
In South Carolina we are extremely fortunate to have a collaborative system with support services, partnerships and proactive planning among all of the organizations who touch workforce, working in tandem to benefit jobseekers and employers.
SC Works Center Partners
Services of the work centers are coordinated on a local basis by an SC Works center operator who is selected by the Local Workforce Development Board.
As defined by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I, one-stop centers must include six core partner programs. These are:
- Adult Education and Literacy Act Programs
- Rehabilitation Act Title I programs
- Wagner-Peyser Act employment services
- -6. WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth programs
Centers may offer additional services that vary in each region depending on the availability in that area. There are several agencies and resources housed in a work center that assist in the workforce process. Some examples include:
Additional Partners
In addition to the resources in the work centers and local community and faith based groups, there are several organizations that are integral partners in the workforce system, including but not limited to: